To celebrate the Feast of the Ascension, Nova Forum and the USC Caruso Catholic Center are partnering with Musica Transalpina to bring you musical gems from the Baroque period! This exciting concert will recreate what a festive Mass around the 1600s would have sounded like, during the “Golden Age of Church Music.” The compositions are from Venice, one of the most illustrious centers of sacred musical composition during the Counterreformation period, which straddled the end of the Renaissance and the dawn of the Baroque, truly the artistic expression of the Catholic Counterreformation.
From the website:
Join Musica Transalpina as we seek to recreate how Mass for the Ascension could have sounded during the golden age of Venice, when Ascension was observed with especial pomp & solemnity to celebrate the symbolic marriage of Venice to the sea. Magnificent compositions for multiple choirs of brass, strings, and voices will transport you to an age of majesty, nobility, & faith on Saturday May 11 at 7 P. M. at the historic S. Vincent de Paul parish church (621 West Adams Boulevard), built by the Countess Doheny in 1925: